Pod-VM image for Azure
TODO: This was copied with few adaptations from here: https://github.com/confidential-containers/cloud-api-adaptor/blob/main/azure/build-image.md This needs to be tested and verified if the instructions still work and needs a rework.This documentation will walk you through building the pod VM image for Azure.
Note: Run the following commands from the directory
Azure login
The image build will use your local credentials, so make sure you have logged into your account via az login
. Retrieve your Subscription ID and set your preferred region:
export AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID=$(az account show --query id --output tsv)
export AZURE_REGION="eastus"
Resource group
Note: Skip this step if you already have a resource group you want to use. Please, export the resource group name in the
environment variable.
Create an Azure resource group by running the following command:
export AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP="caa-rg-$(date '+%Y%m%b%d%H%M%S')"
az group create \
--location "${AZURE_REGION}"
Shared image gallery
Create a shared image gallery:
export GALLERY_NAME="caaubntcvmsGallery"
az sig create \
--gallery-name "${GALLERY_NAME}" \
--resource-group "${AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP}" \
--location "${AZURE_REGION}"
Create the “Image Definition” by running the following command:
Note: The flag
--features SecurityType=ConfidentialVmSupported
allows you to a upload custom image and boot it up as a Confidential Virtual Machine (CVM).
export GALLERY_IMAGE_DEF_NAME="cc-image"
az sig image-definition create \
--resource-group "${AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP}" \
--gallery-name "${GALLERY_NAME}" \
--gallery-image-definition "${GALLERY_IMAGE_DEF_NAME}" \
--publisher GreatPublisher \
--offer GreatOffer \
--sku GreatSku \
--os-type "Linux" \
--os-state "Generalized" \
--hyper-v-generation "V2" \
--location "${AZURE_REGION}" \
--architecture "x64" \
--features SecurityType=ConfidentialVmSupported
Build pod-VM image
The Pod-VM image can be built in three ways:
- Customize an existing marketplace image
- Customize an existing marketplace image with pre-built binaries
- Convert and upload a pre-built QCOW2 image
Modifying an existing marketplace image
Install packer by following these instructions.
Create a custom Azure VM image based on Ubuntu 22.04 adding kata-agent, agent-protocol-forwarder and other dependencies for Cloud API Adaptor (CAA):
export PKR_VAR_resource_group="${AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP}"
export PKR_VAR_location="${AZURE_REGION}"
export PKR_VAR_subscription_id="${AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID}"
export PKR_VAR_use_azure_cli_auth=true
export PKR_VAR_az_gallery_name="${GALLERY_NAME}"
export PKR_VAR_az_gallery_image_name="${GALLERY_IMAGE_DEF_NAME}"
export PKR_VAR_az_gallery_image_version="0.0.1"
export PKR_VAR_offer=0001-com-ubuntu-confidential-vm-jammy
export PKR_VAR_sku=22_04-lts-cvm
export AA_KBC="cc_kbc_az_snp_vtpm"
export CLOUD_PROVIDER=azure
PODVM_DISTRO=ubuntu make image
Note: If you want to disable cloud config then
before building the image.
Use the ManagedImageSharedImageGalleryId
field from output of the above command to populate the following environment variable. It’s used while deploying cloud-api-adaptor:
# e.g. format: /subscriptions/.../resourceGroups/.../providers/Microsoft.Compute/galleries/.../images/.../versions/../
export AZURE_IMAGE_ID="/subscriptions/${AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID}/resourceGroups/${AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP}/providers/Microsoft.Compute/galleries/${GALLERY_NAME}/images/${GALLERY_IMAGE_DEF_NAME}/versions/${PKR_VAR_az_gallery_image_version}"
Customize an image using prebuilt binaries via Docker
docker build -t azure-podvm-builder .
docker run --rm \
-v "$HOME/.azure:/root/.azure" \
If you want to use a different base image, then you’ll need to export environment variables: PUBLISHER
and SKU
Sometimes using the marketplace image requires accepting a licensing agreement and also using a published plan. Following link provides more detail.
For example using the CentOS 8.5 image from “eurolinux” publisher requires a plan and license agreement.
You’ll need to first get the Uniform Resource Name (URN):
az vm image list \
--location ${AZURE_REGION} \
--publisher eurolinuxspzoo1620639373013 \
--offer centos-8-5-free \
--sku centos-8-5-free \
--all \
--output table
Then you’ll need to accept the agreement:
az vm image terms accept \
--urn eurolinuxspzoo1620639373013:centos-8-5-free:centos-8-5-free:8.5.5
Then you can use the following command line to build the image:
docker run --rm \
-v "$HOME/.azure:/root/.azure" \
-e PUBLISHER=eurolinuxspzoo1620639373013 \
-e SKU=centos-8-5-free \
-e OFFER=centos-8-5-free \
-e PLAN_NAME=centos-8-5-free \
-e PLAN_PRODUCT=centos-8-5-free \
-e PLAN_PUBLISHER=eurolinuxspzoo1620639373013 \
-e PODVM_DISTRO=centos \
Another example of building Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) based image:
docker run --rm \
-v "$HOME/.azure:/root/.azure" \
-e SKU=9-lvm \
-e PODVM_DISTRO=rhel \
Using a pre-created QCOW2 image
hosts pre-created pod-vm images as container images.
- Download QCOW2 image
mkdir -p qcow2-img && cd qcow2-img
export QCOW2_IMAGE="quay.io/confidential-containers/podvm-generic-ubuntu-amd64:latest"
curl -LO https://raw.githubusercontent.com/confidential-containers/cloud-api-adaptor/staging/podvm/hack/download-image.sh
bash download-image.sh $QCOW2_IMAGE . -o podvm.qcow2
- Convert QCOW2 image to Virtual Hard Disk (VHD) format
You’ll need the qemu-img
tool for conversion.
qemu-img convert -O vpc -o subformat=fixed,force_size podvm.qcow2 podvm.vhd
- Create Storage Account
Create a storage account if none exists. Otherwise you can use the existing storage account.
az storage account create \
--resource-group $AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP \
--location $AZURE_REGION \
--sku Standard_ZRS \
--encryption-services blob
- Create storage container
Create a storage container if none exists. Otherwise you can use the existing storage account
az storage container create \
--account-name $AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT \
--auth-mode login
- Get storage key
AZURE_STORAGE_KEY=$(az storage account keys list --resource-group $AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP --account-name $AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT --query "[?keyName=='key1'].{Value:value}" --output tsv)
- Upload VHD file to Azure Storage
az storage blob upload --container-name $AZURE_STORAGE_CONTAINER --name podvm.vhd --file podvm.vhd
- Get the VHD URI
AZURE_STORAGE_EP=$(az storage account list -g $AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP --query "[].{uri:primaryEndpoints.blob} | [? contains(uri, '$AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT')]" --output tsv)
- Create Azure VM Image Version
az sig image-version create \
--resource-group $AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP \
--gallery-name $GALLERY_NAME \
--gallery-image-definition $GALLERY_IMAGE_DEF_NAME \
--gallery-image-version 0.0.1 \
--target-regions $AZURE_REGION \
--os-vhd-uri "$VHD_URI" \
--os-vhd-storage-account $AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT
On success, the command will generate the image id. Set this image id as a value of AZURE_IMAGE_ID
in peer-pods-cm
You can also use the following command to retrieve the image id:
AZURE_IMAGE_ID=$(az sig image-version list --resource-group $AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP --gallery-name $GALLERY_NAME --gallery-image-definition $GALLERY_IMAGE_DEF_NAME --query "[].{Id: id}" --output tsv)